The Eagle Makers! 145 Eagle Scouts and counting…
Congratulations to Michael N
Eagle Scout #145
We are Troop 147 of Holland, Michigan! Chartered by First Presbyterian Church since 1960, we pride ourselves on preparing young men for future leadership roles.
By following the Scouts BSA model and planning we proudly operate a Scout Lead Troop with the youth taking an active role in leading each event, whether a meeting, a camping adventure, week long summer camp, or a high adventure program, Troop 147 youth lead the way!
Our Senior Patrol Leader is elected by the Scouts. The Senior Patrol Leader also reviews applications for other Scout Leadership roles and selects Scouts to fill those leadership roles. This structure allows each Scout an opportunity to find and practice his leadership role, from Librarian to Webmaster to Quartermaster to Patrol Leader.
We have four youth patrols. We strive to help the patrols bond as a team by using Patrol Flags, Patrol Yells, and encouraging Patrol Events.
Troop 147 is active year around. We camp nearly every month. Often we are in tents. Occasionally we are in a cabin or yurt during the colder months or for special training events.
We cook as Patrols, and occasionally as a Troop. Our Scouts learn how to prepare healthy meals, and clean up from those as well.
Come visit Troop 147 during a meeting and see what the fun is all about!